Effect of drug abuse on teeth - Web Land



Saturday, February 2, 2019

Effect of drug abuse on teeth

Effect of drug abuse on teeth 

The presence of drugs on the streets is illegal and for good reason. Along with the often addictive, they are bad for you in many ways.
You may have noticed that many drug addicts have bad teeth. That's because medicines like methamphetamine (meth), heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and even marijuana can cause problems for your teeth and gums.

Here are some key reasons:
ü Can cause dry mouth, which means less saliva. Which plays an important role in cleaning the teeth.
Activated drugs - such as meth, heroin, cocaine, and orgasm - can cause cramps in the oral muscles and thus increase pressure on the teeth, which in turn may weaken your teeth and can even make them easier to break. It can also cause pain in the jaw.

ü If you are taking drugs, especially strong items like meth or heroin, you are less likely to take care of your teeth or go to the dentist, thus increasing the rate and speed of your caries.
ü Many people who use drugs also smoke, which increases the disadvantages of drug abuse on the mouth.
Here are the most harmful products of drugs that cause damage to the level of mouth and teeth

People who take intravenous doses of heroin may expect similar damage to methamphetamine:
 Broken teeth, colored, broken, loss of teeth as well as periodontal disease.
Heroin is a pain reliever, so in addition to its harmful effects on public health, it may also ignore the pain caused by affected teeth and gums. This makes the problems worse and more serious.


This medicine can have different effects on your mouth, depending on how you take it. When inhaled, cocaine can destroy the mucous tissue between your nose and the roof of your mouth, eventually leading to a hole and making it difficult to speak or eat.
As it is, it is very acidic, so when you smoke the crack or put cocaine in your mouth, the acids collide with your teeth and affect the port, causing weakness, which ends with a broken tooth.
In addition to periodontal disease and tooth decay, if you rub it on your gums, it can cause mouth ulcers.

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